School of Chinese Language and Literature
Soochow University
Teaching is Facilitating.

Teaching Philosophy
Throughout my experiences as a teacher, I have tried to employ diverse approaches to language teaching. Many of them seem to work well in some situations but are less satisfactory in others. My experience indicates that a single teaching approach valid for all situations at all times, simply does not exist. Instead, we can only talk about the validity of teaching approaches as they apply to serving certain purposes. Two variables constitute major factors with regards to the purpose of teaching: teaching content and student characteristics. The teaching approach I select is always consistent with what and to whom I am teaching.
Integration of Chinese Culture and Characters
Authentic Materials in Explicit and Implict Instructions
The Facilitative Role of Technology
Assessment for the Right Purpose
[Click here for the complete file of Teaching Philosophy]

Photo by Erick Tsukiyama

Courses Taught
Introduction to Chinese Culture
This course is an introduction to Chinese culture highlighting the defining characteristics of Chinese civilization in a global context. Theory and practice are integrated in this course. The theoretical introduction is organized into six topics built upon each other: (i) geography and economy, (ii) history of the empire, (iii) philosophy and ideology, (iv) norms, customs and daily life, (v) language, literature and arts, and (vi) modernization.
100 Level Chinese: Elementary Mandarin
Sample Lesson Plans: [Lesson 13] [Lesson 14 Day 1]
Sample Teaching Materials: Lesson 13
[Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5] -
Assessment: quizzes, written tests, oral tests
[CHN102 Midterm Oral (Simplified)] [Oral Rubrics]
300 Level and Above, Classical Chinese (Teaching Assistant)
Course Material Samples
(400/500 level classes use self-developed materials):
[400 Intensive Listening] [400 Extensive Listening] [500 男女择偶观] -
Sample Lesson Plans: [302 外资企业] [402 基因检测诊病]
Sample Teaching Materials:
300 Level: [Chengdu Day 1] [Chengdu Day 2] [Classroom Activity]
400 Level: [Chinese Fever] [Disease Diagnosis Based on Gene] -
Assessment: quizzes, written tests, oral tests
[300 Level Presentation Rubrics] [400 Level Presentation Rubrics]

Honors & Awards
The 2019 Educator of the Year Finalist Award, Truman State University
Nominee for the 2016-17 “Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for Graduate Assistants”
Online Teaching Award Nominee of University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Spring 2014, CHN442: Fourth Year Reading & Advanced Topics.
Online Teaching Award Nominee of University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Fall 2013, CHN331: Advanced Chinese.
Outstanding Contribution to the University of Pittsburgh Confucius Institute Curriculum Development Project, 2012-13.
Award of Excellence for outstanding service, teaching, and commitment to the University of Pittsburgh’s Confucius Institute, 2012-2013.

Evaluations & Reflections
Descriptive Statistics of Student Evaluations
Truman State University

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa